Re: testnet entry/exit nodes and client-side receivers

The entry and exit terminology is confusing IMO. Do you mean entry and exit
into the crypto-currency ledger?

The nature of ILP means that a receiver needs to be active and online to be
able to generate the fulfillment for a payment when it is received. The
only way I see to simplify that is to delegate it to a trusted receiver.

If you are going to delegate it then why not just use SPSP as is and let
the trusted receiver assign you an address.

As an example, imagine I want to receive payments via Interledger but I
want them deliver to a Bitcoin address (and only I have the private key for
that address). I don't want to run an SPSP receiver or even an ILP node.

Instead, I sign up with an exchange like Gatehub for an account and they
allocate me an SPSP address: I log into Gatehub and
configure my wallet to deliver all my incoming payments to my personal
Bitcoin address.

Whenever an SPSP payment is made to, all the SPSP
receiver functions are performed by Gatehub and when the funds are
delivered Gatehub pays them to my Bitcoin address.

The same could said for any other integration. I can link any of my other
online identities to that SPSP address so I can have a Slackbot that accept
payments or a WhatsApp app or any other disconnected channel. Simply being
connected isn't enough, the receiver needs to be able to process a payment
within seconds. If there is a need for a human to accept the payment then
you lock up all the liquidity of the payment.

Perhaps and interesting idea would be a protocol that explicitly supports a
delegated receiver model? I have a pre-shared key that I negotiate with the
sender but I request that they send the key with the payment, encrypted
using the public key of my delegated receiver.

That way I only need to be online during the setup of the payment not
during the actual payment itself. I could even use an Interledger Payment
Request to request a payment that could be paid any time in the future.

On 18 July 2017 at 10:45, Michiel de Jong <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to open up a discussion to you, which some of us were having a
> few days ago, but for that I first need to provide some background:
> *Testnet*
> As discussed in the last community call, we started building a testnet.
> You can now choose whether you want your node's home ledger to be part of
> the live network (prefix `g.`) or of the testnet (prefix `test.`). We ask
> everybody who runs a connector to situate their connector firmly on one
> side of that divide, so either you connect only between `g.` ledgers, or
> you connect only between `test.` ledgers. We'll probably add a feature in
> ilp-kit to make it impossible to violate that rule from the admin UI, but
> if you run a home-grown connector implementation, or edit your server
> config via ssh, then please apply that rule manually.
> *Entry/exit nodes*
> You may have heard about the 'seven ledger demo' which took place at the
> last Interledger workshop.[1] These new interledger plugins allow two
> things: first, they allow two peers to use a ledger-backed HTLA. [2] But
> they also allow a connector to connect someone's personal ledger to one of
> the crypto-currency ledgers, as such! So not just one-to-one, but
> one-to-many (exit) or many-to-one (entry). However, doing this on the live
> net would mean you need to be careful who pays via your connector from a
> personal ledger to a crypto-currency (exit node) and who pays from a
> crypto-currency to a personal ledger (entry node). Running such a connector
> could have different legal implications in different countries. That's why
> it's easier for us as a community of researchers and open source
> enthusiasts to add such entry/exit nodes to the Interledger testnet,
> connecting the various testnets of various crypto-currencies. That way, we
> create a 'testnet of testnets'. :)
> *Connector discovery*
> On a five-bells ledger, connectors can be discovered by requesting the
> list of recommended connectors from the ledger. Blockchains generally don't
> provide this feature. Therefore, I'll soon add a list of testnet wallet
> addresses for entry nodes per crypto-currency on https://connectorland.
> [3] You can then use an Interledger client like [4] to prepare an on-ledger
> payment from your own testnet wallet to the entry node's wallet, and at the
> same time send an rpc call to the entry node to initiate the Interledger
> payment to any destination.
> *Destination discovery*
> For addressing destinations, ilp-kit relies heavily on spsp (the
> address format that is translated to an interledger address
> + a uniquely assigned shared secret). This requires the receiver to run an
> spsp server (like [5] or [6]) and then identify as
> They can then specify their wallet address at a crypto-currency ledger as
> their Interledger address, which would mean any payment to them would reach
> that ledger via an exit node.
> *My point - finally ;)*
> A different identity system, which does not require the receiver to run a
> server, may be more appropriate for paying out over exit nodes.
> I like the WebFinger part of spsp, especially because it's an optional
> extra layer, but IMHO the requirement for the spsp end-point to be
> publically addressable is a downside of spsp. Why not just add an
> Interledger address + a public key into the receiver's WebFinger record,
> and bootstrap things from there?
> Then, the receiver could run their software client-side (just on their
> laptop, publishing just that static public key to their personal website),
> and we can decouple the tight link which currently exists between
> interledger nodes and internet servers.
> Cheers,
> Michiel.
> [1]
> sends-blockchain-transaction-across-7-different-ledgers/ ;
> workshop-berlin-1-june-2017/120
> [2]
> 51ef3d02e943dcd3cbac8fe4442f6a5961441cf8/0022-hashed-
> timelock-agreements/
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2017 09:37:49 UTC