On 23 January 2017 at 01:40, Andrew Bransford Brown <andrewbb@gmail.com>
> This can handle low-level contract events with sufficient granularity for
> stocks, bonds, currencies, etc:
> POST /cgi-bin/transactionEvents.cgi HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: Interledger/1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Content-Length: 7
> IL-TransactionID: xyzOrGUID
> IL-CommerceID: IL-CommerceID
> IL-Event-Type: Offer, Terms, Counter-Offer, Accept, Deliver, Complete
> IL-Event-DateTime: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:NN.nnnnnn GMT
> 100 BTC
> GET /cgi-bin/transaction.cgi HTTP/1.1
> IL-TransactionID: xyzOrGUID
Why not put the details of the message in the body, instead of mixing with
the headers. HTTP Headers should only be really used for HTTP level stuff,
so that the message can be sent over multiple channels.
<#xyzOrGUID> a Transaction ;
:CommerceID "IL-CommerceID" ;
:Event-Type "Offer, Terms, Counter-Offer, Accept, Deliver, Complete" ;
:timestamp "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:NN.nnnnnn GMT"^^xsd:Date ;
:amount 100 ;
:currency <BTC> .