On 2016-11-30 15:51, Andrew Bransford Brown wrote:
> I agree with that interface change.  I have questions of why 53?

Thanx but the interface is just my JSON Java library which (currently) have nothing directly to do with ILP.

53 stands for 53 bits of precision since that is the limit for integers in an ES6-compatible JSON implementation.
For greater precision, BigInteger is used by JSONB as well as by me.

It is ugly but works(tm).


> Andrew B. Brown
> (512) 947-8282
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Anders Rundgren < <>> wrote:
>     Pardon for reviving an old thread but I just got a link in my mail-box
>     showing Oracle's take on JSON typing which appears to be identical to mine although they
>     use a declarative approach while I have settled on a more "old-school" programmatic ditto.
>     However, these methods are in no way mutually exclusive.
>     Sort of related (and triggered by the TJSON discussion), I upgraded my JSON Java library from
>        JSONObjectWriter setLong(String name, long value)
>     to
>        JSONObjectWriter setInt53(String name, long value)
>     because that reflects what it actually does :-)
>     Anders

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 15:09:34 UTC