Re: Interledger Architecture: OWPS naming


>From the mail chain, I got that we are focusing on 'Simple', 'Open',
'Internet' and 'Payment'.

That is Simple Open Payment Protocol for Internet or SOPPI. Does this makes

Yanesh Tyagi
On 29-Mar-2016 12:51 am, "Roger Bass" <> wrote:

> Adrian, you explain above that you're thinking of this as "web-like in
> architecture", hence the proposed name. But it seems to me that term might
> likely be generally understood as "relating to the World-wide Web", which
> it's really not. For that reason "Internet" seems better to me. (SIPS is
> also easier to say than SWPS... which is worse than OWPS, actually, from
> that perspective!).
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Adrian Hope-Bailie <
>> wrote:
>> The characteristics I think we're aiming for are:
>> "open/neutral" - there is no entity controlling the scheme
>> "simple" - basic payer to payee payments not trying to be everything to
>> everyone
>> "web/internet" - web-like in architecture. Interledger attempts to create
>> a graph of ledgers that resembles the graph of resources on the World Wide
>> Web. This protocol leverages this with the minimal application layer
>> functions to provide a full payments stack.
>> So you can see how we ended at OWPS.
>> I think some of these (like openness) could be taken as implicit (from
>> Web-like) so we could go for something like Simple Web Payment Protocol?
>> On 28 March 2016 at 17:45, Roger Bass <> wrote:
>>> In light of Adrian's comments elsewhere, would it make sense to include
>>> "Simple" in any new name here? (SIPS, SOPS etc... Much as I like OPUS,
>>> SOPUS somehow doesn't have quite the same ring to it... )
>>> Roger
>>> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Daniel Bateman <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Roger,
>>>> I like your IPS (Internet Payment System) idea. Sounds like a force to
>>>> be reckoned with, in the most general sense.
>>>> On Mar 24, 2016 10:17 AM, "Roger Bass" <> wrote:
>>>>> Stefan et al,
>>>>> OWPS, the Open Web Payment Scheme, doesn't seem particularly
>>>>> web-oriented - so we could lose the W for starters - so OPS maybe. And
>>>>> incidentally - should this be a Scheme, a Protocol, a Framework or
>>>>> something else?
>>>>> As you say, the overall project is "Interledger" so, how about OIPS,
>>>>> or IPS? ("I" could even be "Internet" if we wanted to reserve "Interledger"
>>>>> for the lower protocol layers).
>>>>> As a more user-friendly name, we could use OpenPay (o-Pay)... or even
>>>>> i-Pay... though there might be trademark issues there.
>>>>> But per my other email, maybe some clarification on scope and goals
>>>>> for this protocol layer would help frame the naming question.
>>>>> Roger

Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 06:31:05 UTC