I like your IPS (Internet Payment System) idea. Sounds like a force to be
reckoned with, in the most general sense.
On Mar 24, 2016 10:17 AM, "Roger Bass" <> wrote:
> Stefan et al,
> OWPS, the Open Web Payment Scheme, doesn't seem particularly web-oriented
> - so we could lose the W for starters - so OPS maybe. And incidentally -
> should this be a Scheme, a Protocol, a Framework or something else?
> As you say, the overall project is "Interledger" so, how about OIPS, or
> IPS? ("I" could even be "Internet" if we wanted to reserve "Interledger"
> for the lower protocol layers).
> As a more user-friendly name, we could use OpenPay (o-Pay)... or even
> i-Pay... though there might be trademark issues there.
> But per my other email, maybe some clarification on scope and goals for
> this protocol layer would help frame the naming question.
> Roger