RE: [User Context] alternate taxonomy keys (GPII,, etc.) could be implemented as custom media features

From: Richard Schwerdtfeger []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 8:55 AM

I agree with you on style sheets. I don't like user style sheets either due to the complexity and the fact that for some users creating a style sheet is far too complicated or impossible.
I need to think on this more. plug-ins would be easier than style sheets but there is the maintenance issue.
In the case of a style sheet, all that the user need do is install it. As has been recognized, however, user-side style sheets don't meet our requirements anyway.

GPII could supply its own plug-in. Updates would be a matter for the operating system's package management infrastructure. How would the IMS Global Access for All personal needs and preferences profile be implemented in an interoperable fashion in this space?

We don't want users to have to configure multiple profiles. Rather, they should configure a single profile, in one place, which is then propagated to the user agent. We live in a world of multiple need/preference vocabularies, despite efforts toward harmonization. Nevertheless, I think it's a move in the right direction to consider how existing vocabularies could be supported by user agents in an openly extensible manner. The designers of the various vocabularies are cooperating and maintaining their respective standards well, but this doesn't eliminate interoperability concerns.



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Received on Monday, 3 November 2014 14:38:20 UTC