Re: [Events] Media playback events for play, pause, toggle, stop, next, and previous. INDIEUI-ACTION-16

James Craig <> wrote:
> I've added media playback request events for play, pause, toggle, stop, and
> for the ability to skip to the next or previous track boundary. These allow
> web apps to respond to keyboard media keys, headphone remotes, etc.

Excellent. This proposal omits the ability to move to a relative or absolute
position within a track, for example by minutes/seconds (or +- minutes/seconds
for relative motion). The use cases should be clear enough, although media
players tend to restrict their options to controls that skip back/forward by
prescribed amounts, such as 10 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes.

This extension, however, can safely be left as an issue to be considered for
the next version of the spec.

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 20:49:47 UTC