- From: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>
- Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 19:16:44 -0400
- To: Independent User Interface Task Force <public-indie-ui@w3.org>
Posted on behalf of Katie, who's having problems trying to post ... Folks, Please find the still poorly spelled DRAFT links below of the IndieUI Minutes for July 10, 2013. Plain text version (with spelling corrected) follows the links in this email. Minutes: http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-minutes.html Action Items: http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-actions.rdf IRC Log: http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-irc#T21-56-05 Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 10 Jul 2013 Attendees Present: +1.412.901.aaaa, Michael_Cooper, Andy_Heath, Rich_Simpson, +1.703.861.aabb, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Janina_Sajka, Jason_White, Rich, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, James_Craig Regrets: None Chair: Janina_Sajka Scribe: Ryladog (Katie Haritos-Shea) Editor's Update TPAC2013 <http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Meetings/TPAC2013> http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Meetings/TPAC2013 JS: TPAC ... You need visas, means visiting a consulate office and surrendering your Passport for several week. You need to prepare. There is page, a hotel with block of rooms ... Can you help with that the hotel sign up information is not accessible. The hotel looks like a compound RS; is this a jail? JS: No , it is where the Chinese take their foreign guests ... In terms of flight I have suggested Hong Kong there is a border between you need another visa for that. There is a ChenChen Airport that you can get to from Japan without the multiple Visas Katie: I will share my flight info with Janina so we might go together Testing Events Discussion JC: I got 2 of the 3 I said that wanted to finished done. It was a bit more complicated. Should have by this weekend JS: It will be a 7 day JC: Within 7 days I will be a father by next Wednesday. I am working frantically to catch up. I plan to be off of work for about a month JS; Our plan is that you will have that 3rd item checked in JS: Once we see it we will issue a Call for Consensus before the next call if possible JC: The call was the last one. User Context Requirements: next steps <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013Jun/0060.html> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013Jun/0060.html JS: It couldn't be issues next week because Shawn Henry is away, because she is the public relations - so it will be the week following that ... There has been some very good conversation off-list that maybe should be put on list. Can we get some of that on the list so others can see it. Testing is important and we want to start that early MC: We talked about test harness that the W#C is under development that may provide the features we need. Self-executable self-made tests will be relevant for IndieUI ... They develop self-executing web-based scripts ... If we determine that this is possible or not viable with the current technology - if not we will have to d manual testing ... It might be better suited to do manual testing. I know Rich has been doing research on his own JW: Is designed for automated testing to sunhesei automated test and the IndieUI to dispatch event ... I think you could also use the Harness if you register the event and do something remote to generate event san reports ... This could cover a number of Working Group test suites. DOM Events', Pointer Events that are important to us ... that is where we are, but we need to find out from the implementer what they are going to do to trigger the events so that will give us the basis for our Testing Plan JS: Implementers that normally attend are from Apple ... Is IBM and implementer RS: Yes, but, too swamped by ARIA at the moment... JS: Maybe James can tell us more of what would be in a DRAFT event. ... I think our last call will be 90 days J: Then the Candidate Recommendation - and that is all about PROVING that it is implementable - by having 2 implementations JS: Normally that would not happen until the end of last call ... I see no problem with us starting the testing - what Are test cases are and. If we had that already early that would be great. But that would be overly optimistic JW: We do not know who else is actually writing anything - that will influence the time line and the spec ... They will come up with issue as they proceed JS: That will give us an idea of how long it will take JC: We are adding automated tests for every feature that we have to Web Kit - I hope the other implementer s will f=do the same JCL In the WebKit resources we have Indie UI - mother browser vendors could start with that - they would need to change them a bit JW: They are testing the same thing on the client side for the AAPI Katie: am I on? MC: We would have to find them ourselves anyway JC: Why can't we just associate each test in each user agent MC: we need two implementations in 2 browsers ... If we don't have the test cases in our info we do not know which test cases map to ... We need to have defined test statements RS: The actual content has to be the same ... The intent is to run test that will work across multiple browsers ... What are you testing to know that it works. Native? I am not quite sure <jcraig> <https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/LayoutTests/indieui/> https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/LayoutTests/indieui/ JC: I will give you an example <jcraig> <https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/LayoutTests/indieui/create-u irequestevent.html> https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/LayoutTests/indieui/create-ui requestevent.html JC: This directory in the Web kit tests whether or not the type and cancellable. Functions that should be true that re specific to WebKit requester files JW: Could somebody take that and rewrite it generic to run on the W3C test harness? JC: Yes JS: That is what the W3C is about generic MCL We not necessarily MC: The big thing is if UA 1 has the same UA 2 information and treats it the same way JC: that is fair enough ... If there is a way to make these completely generic - that would be fine. In the case of ARIA the API was platform specific RS: I think that could be included in the test case. It is only different in how you exercise it for various platforms? ... let's say for iOS they may have a special IA model for voice and keyboard it may be different on an Android machine JC: I think what Rich is asking for is we can run simulated events JS: we do not expect every machine is going to provide the same UI - we do expect then to be different actually ... We do expect authors to provide simplified markup MC: We are expecting user input event is made on-click event it made ... Do we need that abstraction layer or not ... This is also important for test reporting on a platform by platform basis JW: We can test at that generically at that abstract level JS: It would certainly be a win for us if this could be automated - is that it would allow users to test their work while developing MC: I think someone is trying to speak but they are not getting through JW; If we knew what 2 separate implementers were going to do it would help us JS: Chrome is also implementing. Didn't Dominic say that? Maybe we should ping them RS: yes JS: Mozilla was a little less specific about it JC: : They are probably just going to make what we did for SP which would mean it is the same implementation JS: That would be the same sources code with out any changes I would say no ... It has to be 2 different implementations - if the code base is significantly different' ... Which means we really do need Mozilla or something else RS: What if it was the same codes on the same browser on different platforms? JS: I do not think that would be OK JW: Again if we can find out if it is not confidential - that would help us quite a bit RS: Well I can reach out to the Mozilla rep on this group? JS: I do not know that we have one MC: We do not have one - that has joined JS: so that may be something RS: Microsoft just joined - we probably reach out to Mozilla JS: I would be much more comfortable if we know Mozilla were doing this ... How many separate test case we would have in 1.0, will we have more than 100 JC: Possible JS; Not the size of ARIA 700 hundred something User Contexts: identifying AT JS: Are we done collecting? JW: Yes the document I had posted and was taken tp the WIKI thanks MC ... we do need to obtain use cases 1 for each section at a minimum JW: If we could come up with test cases that would be useful as well ... I did want to review the ISO requirement ... I am still waiting to get a copy of the document AH: I will get that to you JW: It will take it in that context ... I will consult with others on ISO 27452 ... I will complete that after I read it AH: I will post it after this call JW: Next week is fine for me - the only thing is Use Cases to justify and explain all that we need for the various requirements ... I think we have covered that all have proposed to the WG AH: I will try to get you something on the Use cases ... I can write JW: Use the same model we have MC: I foul the Events to be over-formal ... The biggest thing is to capture the thought. MC: I was going to go looking for something from other WG - W3C does not have any canonical requirement s for Use cases <scribe> ACTION: Andy Heath to provide Use Cases [recorded in <http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-minutes.html#action01> http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-61 - Heath to provide Use Cases [on Andy Heath - due 2013-07-17]. JW: We do not have any rationale for any of them - and I think that is very important. If we don't have justification that will be a problem JS: I think we will not have that conversation until James is able to retyrn AH; My youngest is 22 and I am still doing the job RS; Don't scare him Andy JS: That give sus about a month anyway before we have the knock down drag out as to what we keep and what gets thrown out RS: How close are we to getting to what we came up with in Lyon? <MichaelC> action-61: use cases for user context <trackbot> Notes added to ACTION-61 Heath to provide Use Cases. <jcraig> <https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2> https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 JC: Very close. The existing stuff for the product is here... JC: Which is 4 issue and 15 actions JC: Potentially all of those would need to be done, Some are quick fixes <MichaelC> trackbot, assocaite action-61 with product-3 <trackbot> Sorry, MichaelC, I don't understand 'trackbot, assocaite action-61 with product-3'. Please refer to < <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc%3E> http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc>for help. <MichaelC> trackbot, associate action-61 with product-3 <trackbot> ACTION-61 (Heath to provide Use Cases) associated with PRODUCT-3. JC; I think there is a potential ROLE JC; If we didn't address marquee for this release would that be OK? JC: If we are relying on ARIA we would fail ... We have to make clear to the rest of W3C JS: We have always said it but I do not think it has had much uptake JW: People who have access needs who are not using AT will not be able to take advantage of it RS: Are we going to update to have device independent stuff so it does not depend on keyboard events MC: WebDeveloper.org and move the RS: I would rather have it there too JS: I agree <jcraig> s/yatake/to take/gi Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: Andy Heath to provide Use Cases [recorded in <http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-minutes.html#action01> http://www.w3.org/2013/07/10-indie-ui-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes] _____ * katie * Katie Haritos-Shea Senior Accessibility SME (WCAG/Section 508/ADA), Compliance Solutions Specialist Cell: +1-703-371-5545 | Desk: +1-703-596-8054 | Katie.Haritos-Shea@AvePoint.com | Washington DC Office in Arlington, VA | www.AvePoint.com <http://www.avepoint.com/> | Risk Management and Compliance Team | ComplianceTeam@AvePoint.com -- Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200 sip:janina@asterisk.rednote.net Email: janina@rednote.net Linux Foundation Fellow Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Chair, Protocols & Formats http://www.w3.org/wai/pf Indie UI http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/
Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 23:17:08 UTC