Re: Review of IndiueUI: Events 1.0 Draft 7 January 2013

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On Jan 10, 2013, at 1:03 PM, "James Craig" <> wrote:

> On Jan 8, 2013, at 8:42 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
> > <change>
> > Implementing platforms will take modality-specific user input, user
idiosyncratic heuristics to determine the specific corresponding Indie UI
event, and send that to the web application in addition to the
modality-specific input such as mouse or keyboard events, should
applications wish to process it.
> > </change>
> > <to>
> > Implementing platforms will combine modality-specific user input with
user idiosyncratic heuristics to determine the specific corresponding Indie
UI event, and send that event to the web application in addition to the
modality-specific input such as mouse or keyboard events, should
applications wish to process it.
> > </to>
> So just the one word, "take" to "combine"?
> Done.
> >>> Bullet 3: A comment: Just wanted to point out that another group is
doing Pointer events which are more agnostic. We might want to limit this
to command and control functions.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure how this comment relates to bullet 3. Could you clarify?
To make sure we're talking about the same text, the full bullet 3 follows:
> >>
> >> "Provide a clear path for web developers to smoothly transition from
currently existing physical events to IndieUI events, during the period
when implementations of IndieUI are incomplete."
> >
> > Well, the new pointer event working group may not consider our work the
only non-physical device event work as it has abstracted things to a
degree. Our statement seems to be center of the universe-ish. You might say
legacy input device implementations.
> I don't think that's appropriate. Mice and keyboards are not legacy
device implementations. Neither are a lot of the physical events that
IndieUI is intended to bypass. I'm not sure where you see a claim that
IndieUI is the only type of non-physical event. The claim is just that
IndieUI replaces physical events in certain cases.

Mouse and keyboard device support have been in browsers since HTML came
out. It certainly is legacy. I am just saying that the pointer events
working group may take issue with the way it is so strongly stated. They
may not. We can retain lay wait and see.
> >>> Glossary: Point-of-Regard: The definition should start out as the
point of user focus within which UI actions are directed.
> >>
> >> "where actions are directed" is somewhat vague. Do you mean "where
events are initiated"? I left this as a noted TBD because I'm not sure the
best way to define this yet either.
> >
> > I am ok with where Indie UI events are initiated. I would like to see a
draft definition here before we put out a draft.
> The existing editorial note was the draft definition. I've move it out of
it's "note" container and removed the TBD.
ok. will look at for next public draft. We need to be crisp on the

> James

Received on Friday, 11 January 2013 00:29:52 UTC