Re: Indie UI Delivery Context Proposal

That said, the original request stands --- ut more strongly: let's use open formats
like HTML that everyone can read.

In future, I shall nuke any proprietary file format documents
sent to the WG.

Jason White writes:
 > Lachlan Hunt <> wrote:
 > > Regarding the .docx file you attached, can we please get this, and
 > > any future proposals, in HTML format?  I don't have MS Word and what
 > > I do have available to read that can only render it as plain text.
 > Being in a similar situation, I used LibreOffice to convert the document to
 > HTML so that I could read it conveniently. It's a bit large to post to the
 > list though.
 > -rw------- 1 jason jason 3280438 Aug  2 21:29 indie-ui-context-aware-proposal.html
 > I can send out a compressed version, however (.xz, .gz, .zip or whatever
 > desired).
 > The size is largely due to the base64-encoded images which are included in the
 > HTML file using the data URI scheme.

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 16:37:37 UTC