Re: Confirming call for Friday 17 Nov

On 18/11/2017 18:21, J. Alan Bird wrote:
>      Attached is the version of the letter I want to put in front of 
> Jeff for signature on Monday.  Let me know if you have any other tuning 
> suggestions.

editorial nit suggestions:

"to inform you that we have a new program that we are launching in India" ->
to inform you that we are launching a new program in India

"you lead in the Indic Language Task Force" ->
you lead in the Indic Layout Task Force

"segment of Web Users" ->
segment of Web users

"Mr. Dutta's will work closely..." ->
Mr. Dutta will work closely...

"W3C Internationalisation Techincal Lead" ->
W3C Internationalisation Technical Lead


Received on Friday, 24 November 2017 11:47:08 UTC