Help Wanted,


I started putting together a site, targeted at web developers to help them
get started with building for

Part of the site is a very quick getting started with VR & AR in different
developer ecosystems. I would really appreciate some
help populating these instructions. What I had in mind was instructions for
a basic scene that works in AR & VR (if possible)
otherwise just what that library targets.

I've included empty markdown files
for the following libraries but if you want to include one I have forgotten
please feel free to add it

   - AFrameVR
   - BabylonJS
   - model-viewer
   - ReactVR
   - Sumerian
   - ThreeJS
   - Unity

Also the browser compat data
is missing a lot of info, adding information for more browsers and more
rows for features with prototype
implementations would be really helpful. I was thinking eventually a table
like the one on would be very
useful to developers.

On There is a section named *WebXR in the Real
World *I would love to include polished examples from
industry. So if anyone has partners they have been working with you would
like to promote here feel free to make a PR to add them.

thank you,


Received on Thursday, 5 December 2019 10:42:32 UTC