IWCG Coordination Thread for October 5th, 2018

Hello, immersive web folks!

Here is another regular summary email of work in the Immersive Web CG.

If you feel that an Issue or PR needs attention then use this thread to
coordinate that work.

If you feel that an Issue or PR is stalled and the group is talking past
each other then reach out directly to me and I'll either add it to a
Tuesday call or work with you to find another way to get it unstuck.

- Trevor

*CG Activity Summary:*


   - Trevor Flowers (that's me!) filed a PR to clarify the proposals process
   <> (feedback
   - Alberto Elias filed Issue #30
   <> to discuss a
   common API for virtual keyboard
   - Trevor Flowers moved the AR Lite Mode Issue
   <> from webxr to
   proposals as it has not yet reached the point where it's clearly a part of
   WebXR Device API
   - JeroMiya weighed in on security aspects of Issue 15
   <> about

Anchors and coordinate systems will be discussed in the upcoming October
9th IW CG call (see my previous email

*Privacy and security:*
John Pallette fleshed out the explainer
<> with
updates based on feedback from the community and has two more PRs waiting
for review
on the privacy and security aspects of AR mode and image/object detection.

*WebXR Polyfill:*

   - Jordan has a pending PR #35
   <> with
   OffscreenCanvas support

*WebVR Polyfill:*
(no activity)


   - Max tagged the open Issues
   to clarify their state

As always, the administrivia repo
<> and project
<> has all of the
gory details of what the chairs and editors are doing to keep the CG and WG

Received on Friday, 5 October 2018 17:56:47 UTC