October 9th Immersive Web CG Call *WILL* Happen

Hello, immersive web folks!

We will be having the October 9th CG call.

Here are the topics:

1) Figure out a path for determining how or if we will incorporate anchors
with the new coordinate systems PR
<https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/pull/409>. Specifically we will
discuss what needs to happen before we can make a decision about when or if
to move anchors to the WG for inclusion in the WebXR Device API

2) Come to an agreement on how to break up the exploratory work for the AR
lite mode <https://github.com/immersive-web/proposals/issues/29> proposal.

I will follow up this email with a (now regular) summary of active CG
topics and we can use that email thread to coordinate asynchronous work.

- Trevor

p.s. If you don't have the calendar event with the WebEx connection info
then reply to me and I'll send an invite.

Received on Friday, 5 October 2018 17:27:44 UTC