Re: 3d favicons

Using a media query rule, similar to stylesheets targeting features like
light intensity, example:

<link "favicon.gltf" rel="icon" media="3d">

<link "favicon.gltf" rel=" icon " media="3d and (min-power: 50%)">

<link "fallback.png" rel="icon">

Similarly, having multiple link would let the browser choose which formats
it prefers:

<link "favicon.gltf" rel="icon" media="3d">
<link "favicon.wrl" rel="icon" media="3d">


2018-08-20 9:27 GMT+02:00 Kip Gilbert <>:

> Just to add a possibly crazy idea...
> Animated gif..  Stack frames on z-axis to generate voxels.  Transparent
> pixels generate no voxel.  Ideal for < 50x50x50 cubes...
> Real question..  Should we allow multiple formats — and if so, define how
> we fall back to simpler formats for low power / memory devices?
> Cheers,
>   Kearwood “Kip” Gilbert
> On Aug 19, 2018, at 8:25 PM, Florian Bösch <> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 5:35 AM Rik Cabanier <>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 9:17 AM Florian Bösch <> wrote:
>>> I'd favor making it possible to target the favicon with a canvas
>>> directly. As in:
>>>> <link id="icon" rel="icon" type="image/png" href="..." animated="True">
>>>> <script>
>>>>   window.onload = function(){
>>>>      var icon = document.getElementById('icon');
>>>>      var ctx = icon.getContext('3d'); // or 2D
>>>>      ...
>>>>   }
>>>>  </script>
>>> That way you can put in anything you want (even video) at any speed you
>>> want (realtime if so desired, or slower), with any technique you want (2D
>>> canvas or 3D canvas).
>> How would you make it 3d? It seems that would require script to run...
> Correct, a script would need to run.
>> I don't think this approach will work though as the favicon is not part
>> of the DOM and can be rendered when the document isn't even loaded (ie for
>> bookmarks). I suspect such a change will be hard to specify and implement
> It's my impression that the majority use-case for an animated favicon is
> in the tab when the web page is open (running a script also allows the page
> to interact live with the icon, so that's an additional benefit). For
> use-cases which cannot execute scripts (like bookmarks) they'd use the
> fallback image provided.
> I suppose you'd object to running a script everywhere a favicon can be
> displayed mainly on performance concerns (who wants to run like say 200
> scripts on a bookmark overview page or somesuch?). But if that is the main
> objection, then animated 3D favicons everywhere are out no matter how you
> do them. Unlike static (or even moving) images, which have well defined
> performance characteristics, 3D content can easily be made to consume any
> amount of computing resource (for instance make a favicon with 10 million
> triangles).

Received on Monday, 20 August 2018 09:35:37 UTC