Demo Videos for TPAC

Hi Everyone,

The W3C has asked for videos for TPAC to show off WebXR, I am happy to
collate this video to show off different features of the API.

I have 4 days to put this together so please send them as soon as possible.

I have videos recorded by myself of:

Lighting estimation
hand tracking (on oculus quest)
Depth Sensing (for occlusion)

Are there any other APIs that have been implemented you would like to see?
Or other videos of these APIs which are probably better than my own.

It doesn't matter if the implementation isn't publicly available or is
still a WIP I am happy to include a video if you send it to me.

Videos recorded in VR headsets are exceptionally useful since I cannot
record these myself.

Thank you,


Received on Monday, 20 September 2021 21:05:33 UTC