Re: New Working Group Charter, Important

Hi Ada,

We would like to see the following CG working items move to the WG as
Normative Specification Deliverables:
 - Hit Tests, there is a specification
<>, good cross-browser interest,
Chrome is about to launch this
 - DOM Overlays, there is a specification
<>, good cross-browser
interest, Chrome should launch this soon
 - Anchors, we have a prototype implementation behind a flag [explainer]
 - Lighting Estimation: API design led by Mozilla, we have a prototype
implementation behind a flag [explainer]
 - Plane Detection: we have a prototype implementation behind a flag
    Note: it is currently under the real-world-geometry/
<> repo but given how
early this work is, I think the charter may note that this could be a
deliverable by itself or as part of RWG

As Manish pointed out, we would also like the Test API
<> to be added as a

The following deliverables are not currently listed in the charter and we
may want to make sure they are added as Normative Specifications:
 - AR Module <>
 - Gamepad Module <>

Finally, we would like to have this work considered as "Potential Normative
Specifications", ie. specifications that are not yet part of the WG but
could be added without rechartering:
 - Access to Raw Camera Frames
 - Image Detection
 - Depth/Occlusion API
 - Face Detection

-- Mounir

On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 at 13:33, Kip Gilbert <> wrote:

> I would like to echo the inclusion of Hand Input, Real World Geometry, and
> the test API as suggested by Manish.
> Additionally, I wonder if the Dom Overlays
> <> are getting close enough
> to be incorporated into the charter?
> I would like to continue pushing on Lighting Estimation
> <>, and would be in
> support of this being included in the Charter if others are nearing intent
> to experiment / implement.  If so, I can step up contributions to get this
> into shape for incorporation.
> - Kip
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 10:29 AM Manish Goregaokar <>
> wrote:
>> I would like Hand Input
>> <> and Real World
>> Geometry <> to be a
>> part of the new charter.
>> We also should probably include the test API
>> <> if it isn't already,
>> this would mostly just bea formality.
>> -Manish
>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 5:18 AM Ada Rose Cannon <> wrote:
>>> Hi Working Group Peeps,
>>> As you may be aware our current charter
>>> <> is soon to expire
>>> and we need to put together a new one.
>>> The goals of our first charter are mostly done and we need to work out
>>> what we would like to go in to the new charter.
>>> The features to think about are:
>>> *"I would be disappointed if [feature] wasn't standardised by the
>>> Immersive Web Working Group by 2022" *
>>> Features which are currently being developed within the community group
>>> are ideal candidates, but adding them to the charter
>>> doesn't necessarily mean they will be immediately moved to the working
>>> group. Work can continue to proceed in the community
>>> group as long as required.
>>> Features you want which are not already at least mentioned in the proposals
>>> repo <> should have an issue
>>> made there for discussion.
>>> We can't guarantee all features will make it in but we'd like to see
>>> what's important to people to ensure that it matches with what
>>> people want to implement.
>>> Please email Chris and I with your requests. you don't have to send it
>>> to the full mailing list if you don't feel comfortable revealing
>>> publicly what your company is intending to work on. Just a quick message
>>> like:
>>> "I would like Hit Testing to be considered for the new Immersive Web
>>> Working Group Charter" would be really helpful,
>>> thank you,
>>> Ada

Received on Friday, 24 January 2020 18:57:35 UTC