Thanks Qing,
All - I've added the list of lightning talks to the end of the agenda
we'll walk through that list during the lightning talk sections, and if any
are taking substantially longer amounts of time than 5 minutes, we can
defer to the unconference section tomorrow afternoon. (Your chairs beg
your indulgence while we fine-tune our process management. :)
The current list:
- Artem Bolgar (Oculus) Multi-view: opaque FBO vs texture array.
Correspondence with WEBGL_multiview extension.
- Qing An (Alibaba) WebAR use cases and requirement
- Michal Mochny (Google) Content/Semantic Anchoring - connecting meaning
to objects in the real world
- Guido Grassel (Huawei) - comments on the Multitasking proposal
- Artem Bolgar (Oculus) Demo of timewarp layers using Oculus Go and
Oculus Browser
On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 4:12 PM Qing An <> wrote:
> Hi Ada and Chris,
> As we discussed today, based on Tuesday's AC lightning talk, a WebAR use
> case document is drafted for tomorrow's discussion in Immersive Web WG.
> This is still an initial draft. We can have further discussion based on it.
> Thanks
> BR,
> Qing An
> Alibaba Group