Fwd: Immersive Captions CG Meeting Notes: 06 March

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christopher Patnoe <patnoe@google.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 at 14:28
Subject: Immersive Captions CG Meeting Notes: 06 March
To: Brenden Gilbert <bgilbert73@gmail.com>, Bill Curtis-Davidson <
billcurtisdavidson@gmail.com>, Hughes Chris <c.j.hughes@salford.ac.uk>,
Olga Carreras Montoto <carreras.olga@gmail.com>, Michael Cooper <
cooper-a11y@aihal.net>, Debra Kajiyama <debrak@google.com>, <
dmayers340@gmail.com>, Dylan Fox <dylan@drfoxdesign.com>, Frances Baum <
francesbaum@outlook.com>, Howard Rosenblum <howard.rosenblum@nad.org>,
hazal uzunkaya <huzunkaya@gmail.com>, Ken Harrenstien <iceklh@gmail.com>,
Immersive Captions CG <internal-immersive-captions@w3.org>, <
iris.serrat@campusviu.es>, Ken Harrenstien <klh@google.com>, Larry Goldberg
<larry@lrgoldberg.com>, Leah Bartell <lbartell@google.com>, Lindsey Bouwels
<lindseyyishh@gmail.com>, Zoe Lopez-Latorre <marialzlatorre@google.com>,
Matthew Johnston <matthew.johnston@thoughtworks.com>, Meryl K. Evans,
meryl.net digital marketing <merylk@gmail.com>, Myles de Bastion <
myles@cymaspace.org>, Nigel Megitt <nigel.megitt@bbc.co.uk>, Peter Bolesh <
pebo@google.com>, Raja Kushalnagar <raja.kushalnagar@gallaudet.edu>, Ren
Tyler, CPACC <ren4xr@gmail.com>, Ren Tyler <renux.design@gmail.com>, Hannah
Barrett <rivbarrett@gmail.com>, Savio Menifer <saviomenifer@gmail.com>,
DSPA Services <services@dspa.org>, Sherry Thannisch <sthannisch@google.com>,
Thomas Logan <thomas@equalentry.com>, Tiffany Hendricks <
tiffanylhendricks@gmail.com>, Vennila Vilvanathan <
v.vilvanathan@fsw.leidenuniv.nl>, Andreas Tai <w3c@andreastai.com>, Wendy
Dannels (w.dannels@rit.edu) <wadnet@ntid.rit.edu>, Bill Curtis-Davidson <




   Christopher Patnoe

   Dylan Fox

   Raja Kushalnagar

   Larry Goldberg

   Meryl Evans

   Ren Tyler

   Janice McCann

   Michael Cooper

   Olga Carreras Montoto



   Apple Pro comments

   Our paper part of W3C RTFM

   New Meet: https://www.meetup.com/a11yvr/events/299534636/




   LG: Apple Vision Pro experience

      Very impressed with visuals, immersion

      Couldn’t try accessibility features

      Very intuitive interface

      Setup involves taking pictures of your face and eyes, look at
      different areas of scene

      Very good eye tracking

      Guide unsure if videos had captions, but video did have captions &
      audio descriptions in video demo & images

      Captions follow gaze, 100% accurate as well

      Descriptions were very well done

      Offered to connect with business affairs people about accessibility

      iPhone 15 pro can take videos that feed into it (three cameras)

      Did feel isolating to watch movies

      Sound was amazing

      DF: Please connect for Symposium

      ME: Can you pair to a hearing aid or cochlear implant?

         CP: Seems like you can

      CP: Wonder if having more sign language material gets in the way of
      the device

   RK: Participating in a W3C group, Research Questions Task Force (RQTF);
   want to put in guidance for W3C related to this group

      Asking permission from the group

      Note we would lose ability to develop document further ourselves
      without submitting pull requests

      Would be using final report

      Should send email to mailing list

   DF: Developing standards for XR of equivalent strength to WCAG 2.2

      Possibly working through Metaverse Standards Forum

[image: Google Accessibility Logo with the braille "o" for the first "o"
and an ASL "L" handshape for the "l"]

  • Christopher Patnoe

  • Head of Accessibility and Disability Inclusion, EMEA

  • Pronouns: he/him

  • patnoe@google.com

• US: +1 (650) 521 1661 <+1%20650-521-1661>

  • UK: +44 (0) 7385 956234 <07385%20956234>

  • A11y EMEA Office Hours

Received on Monday, 11 March 2024 11:14:21 UTC