- From: Christopher Patnoe <patnoe@google.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:14:03 +0000
- To: public-immersive-captions@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAHNLHy0i+h9TQrZXu0Oq6KJHKg9PK=7rWg0jBAXwMgnoHKbcpQ@mail.gmail.com>
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Christopher Patnoe <patnoe@google.com> Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 at 14:28 Subject: Immersive Captions CG Meeting Notes: 06 March To: Brenden Gilbert <bgilbert73@gmail.com>, Bill Curtis-Davidson < billcurtisdavidson@gmail.com>, Hughes Chris <c.j.hughes@salford.ac.uk>, Olga Carreras Montoto <carreras.olga@gmail.com>, Michael Cooper < cooper-a11y@aihal.net>, Debra Kajiyama <debrak@google.com>, < dmayers340@gmail.com>, Dylan Fox <dylan@drfoxdesign.com>, Frances Baum < francesbaum@outlook.com>, Howard Rosenblum <howard.rosenblum@nad.org>, hazal uzunkaya <huzunkaya@gmail.com>, Ken Harrenstien <iceklh@gmail.com>, Immersive Captions CG <internal-immersive-captions@w3.org>, < iris.serrat@campusviu.es>, Ken Harrenstien <klh@google.com>, Larry Goldberg <larry@lrgoldberg.com>, Leah Bartell <lbartell@google.com>, Lindsey Bouwels <lindseyyishh@gmail.com>, Zoe Lopez-Latorre <marialzlatorre@google.com>, Matthew Johnston <matthew.johnston@thoughtworks.com>, Meryl K. Evans, meryl.net digital marketing <merylk@gmail.com>, Myles de Bastion < myles@cymaspace.org>, Nigel Megitt <nigel.megitt@bbc.co.uk>, Peter Bolesh < pebo@google.com>, Raja Kushalnagar <raja.kushalnagar@gallaudet.edu>, Ren Tyler, CPACC <ren4xr@gmail.com>, Ren Tyler <renux.design@gmail.com>, Hannah Barrett <rivbarrett@gmail.com>, Savio Menifer <saviomenifer@gmail.com>, DSPA Services <services@dspa.org>, Sherry Thannisch <sthannisch@google.com>, Thomas Logan <thomas@equalentry.com>, Tiffany Hendricks < tiffanylhendricks@gmail.com>, Vennila Vilvanathan < v.vilvanathan@fsw.leidenuniv.nl>, Andreas Tai <w3c@andreastai.com>, Wendy Dannels (w.dannels@rit.edu) <wadnet@ntid.rit.edu>, Bill Curtis-Davidson < william.curtis-davidson@cadmusgroup.com> Video/Chat/VTT <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ksj7LT-1QwYx_B2FjGZyKPIPkBC3ZB05?usp=drive_link> (Folder) Participants - Christopher Patnoe - Dylan Fox - Raja Kushalnagar - Larry Goldberg - Meryl Evans - Ren Tyler - Janice McCann - Michael Cooper - Olga Carreras Montoto Agenda: - Apple Pro comments - Our paper part of W3C RTFM - New Meet: https://www.meetup.com/a11yvr/events/299534636/ - XAUR Notes - LG: Apple Vision Pro experience - Very impressed with visuals, immersion - Couldn’t try accessibility features - Very intuitive interface - Setup involves taking pictures of your face and eyes, look at different areas of scene - Very good eye tracking - Guide unsure if videos had captions, but video did have captions & audio descriptions in video demo & images - Captions follow gaze, 100% accurate as well - Descriptions were very well done - Offered to connect with business affairs people about accessibility - iPhone 15 pro can take videos that feed into it (three cameras) - Did feel isolating to watch movies - Sound was amazing - DF: Please connect for Symposium - ME: Can you pair to a hearing aid or cochlear implant? - CP: Seems like you can <https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/apple-vision-pro/tan0654b02b7/visionos> - CP: Wonder if having more sign language material gets in the way of the device - RK: Participating in a W3C group, Research Questions Task Force (RQTF); want to put in guidance for W3C related to this group - Asking permission from the group - Note we would lose ability to develop document further ourselves without submitting pull requests - Would be using final report <https://w3c.github.io/immersive-captions-cg/360-captions/> - Should send email to mailing list - DF: Developing standards for XR of equivalent strength to WCAG 2.2 - Possibly working through Metaverse Standards Forum [image: Google Accessibility Logo with the braille "o" for the first "o" and an ASL "L" handshape for the "l"] • Christopher Patnoe • Head of Accessibility and Disability Inclusion, EMEA • Pronouns: he/him • patnoe@google.com • US: +1 (650) 521 1661 <+1%20650-521-1661> • UK: +44 (0) 7385 956234 <07385%20956234> • A11y EMEA Office Hours <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/selfsched?sstoken=UUhST0FwNDlkOWVkfGRlZmF1bHR8NDc1ZTdiYzgwZGZkYzAyZGNmOTgzNGVjODU4YjFjZmM>
Received on Monday, 11 March 2024 11:14:21 UTC