[minutes] iip telecon 2019-07-22



       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                               IIP telecon

21 Jul 2019


       [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-iip-admin/2019JulSep/0003.html


           Alolita, Vivek, Muthu, atsushi

           Abhijit, r12a




      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]fonts supports for tamil on browser
          2. [5]section 3.6
          3. [6]section 3.7
          4. [7]closing and next
      * [8]Summary of Action Items
      * [9]Summary of Resolutions


      [10] https://w3c.github.io/typography/gap-analysis/language-matrix.html

    <alolita> Taml


      [11] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-discuss/wiki/Analysing-support-for-text-layout-on-the-Web

    <Muthu> Tamil Sangam MN

    <Muthu> Nirmala UI

    <Muthu> Tamil MN

    <inserted> scribe: atsushi

fonts supports for tamil on browser

    (trying to scribe, but not fully catching/understanding

    <Muthu> We can hear you Vivek

    vivek: we created opentype rendering software, still opentype

    alolita: adding it to 3.4, on glyph shaping
    ... every font engineer need AAT on opentype, do you feel it
    makes font grue better

    Muthu: AAT gives a lot of control
    ... both opentype and AAT, you can do shaping on both, and
    ... if you want to render indic fonts, and going through this
    library, shaping will be performed even for opentype

    vivek: exact same suggestion was put from @@@ in the past,

    muthu: now we are discussing how to include shaping onto font

    alolita: it not a kind of type layout, not unicode
    ... that spec is not like a spec, shaping tric
    ... this is a gray area between typesetting and shaping, not
    issue in unicode nor encoding

    muthu: missing gap, all items are for display, but we need to
    be editable
    ... because of conbining, editing is another big issue
    ... between two clusters, and if you delete wihtin, it is a big

    alolita: in points of this layout spec, would note behavior of
    editing to be included into spec (???)

    vivek: if you want to read document, before that the document
    need to be created, so editing is also important

    muthu: issue on editing is included in current document is a

section 3.6

    all: agreed not applicable

section 3.7

    alolita: discussion we had before, we did breakdown and added
    ... double/triple click selection

    vivek: click selection is only for display, you may want to
    move cursor also or drug by mouse
    ... mouse selection is also two way, clicking and drug over

    muthu: by both, we should be possible to do the same thing

    alolita: fall selection by grapheme is a question

    muthu: is there a need of select by cluster?

    alolita: why not.

    vivek: usually what happen, you end up to select cluster but
    not one character, for joining ones
    ... by adding control, you can select one character by one, but
    not usual

    alolita: you should be able to select the entire graphme

    vivek: mostly its base and @@@2

    alolita: only two exceptions

closing and next

    <vivek> Looks like we have had a super useful discussion today!

    <alolita> excellent discussion - we covered a fair bit

    <alolita> Atsushi san - thank you for the minutes

    <alolita> bye

    <alolita> quit

    Alolita: will send out schedule call email; next call is next
    week (Jul 29)

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 22 July 2019 03:46:06 UTC