Re: Pursuing question of mime types in W3C specifications and next actions

FWIW, I'll be at Yokohama, and I am also currently participating in a W3C 
working group with a MIME type registration interest.


At 01:43 PM 6/28/02 -0400, Ian B. Jacobs wrote:

>Martin, Ned,
>Yesterday I participated in a W3C/IETF coordination
>call where one of the topics was about the registration
>of mime types defined by W3C Recommendations. A summary
>of the meeting will be available soon to the W3C Membership.
>As a result of that meeting, I'm expecting the following:
>  a) Joseph Reagle will write down detailed best current practice
>     for W3C Editors to conform with IETF process (notably
>     RFC2048). I hope to make Joseph's document part of the
>     Chair's guidebook.
>  b) There may be some medium- to long-term changes to the
>     IETF process to facilitate registration of mime types
>     defined by W3C Recommendations. Some of those who attended
>     yesterday's meeting will be finding out what changes might
>     be possible.
>I'm writing to get a clearer idea of whether this will be
>discussed at the Yokohama meeting in Japan (14-19 July),
>and if so, in what forum.
>Who will be attending that meeting from W3C? Martin, I
>am told you will be attending. Is this a discussion you could
>Also, can we expect a report after the meeting that sets
>expectations for W3C editors about future registration
>options and when those might be available? Should we assume
>at this point that for the next, say, 6 months, W3C editors
>should follow the steps that Joseph will outline?
>Thank you,
>  - Ian
>Ian Jacobs (
>Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Graham Klyne

Received on Sunday, 30 June 2002 12:41:01 UTC