Next steps with the BLM statement


Now TPAC has happened we need to return our attention to the BLM 
statement and what we want to do next.

With absolutely no suggestion of priority, here are some possible options:

We could update the statement based on the feedback from Kim Crayton and 
return it to the AC for consent to publish.

We still do not have representation from people of colour, so a risk is 
that we make a statement that has been prepared without any input (other 
than from Kim) from the community it intends to support.

We could remedy that, then update the statement and send it back to the 
AC for consent to publish.

We could do nothing with the statement. A lot of time has passed since 
the initial energy of the BLM movement, and we may feel that the time 
for statements has passed.

We could focus on making progress with some of the ideas we've been 
discussing and make our support of BLM implicit in our actions; and blog 
about the progress we're making as we make it.

There are likely other possibilities too - these are just the ones that 
ocurred to me now.


Director @TetraLogical

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 14:57:13 UTC