"W3C position" Re: IDCG ideas for consideration for building an action plan

I believe it is the case that without reaching explicit agreement from the  
membership on such a topic, W3C doesn't have an agreed position. Although  
many members, staff, and individual collaborators express a position it  
often happens that W3C - as an explicit decision - doesn't try to spend  
its time agreeing a "positioning statement".

Where it agrees on doing something - like setting up and applying its CEPC  
- it seems the preference is to let actions speak.


On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 22:35:40 +1000, Jeff Jaffe <jeff@w3.org> wrote:

> On 6/11/2020 3:54 AM, LĂ©onie Watson wrote:

>> If we choose to make a statement as the ID CG we still have to be very
>> clear that it is not the official position of the W3C; not least because
>> I understand the W3C's official position on policy matters such as this,
>> is that it has no position.
> At the risk of being pedantic...
> I'm not sure that we have "no position" on the matter.
> It is rather that on certain types of matters that we are not allowed to  
> express a position.


Charles "chaals" Nevile
PegaSys Standards Architect, ConsenSys

Received on Friday, 12 June 2020 03:33:23 UTC