Supporting proposed text encouraging diversity


If you do not follow the IDCG Github repository closely, I'd like to 
draw your attention to the following discussion:

After our meeting yesterday, Dan (Torgo on Github) proposed some words 
that could be used to encourage W3C member organisations to think about 
diversity when they nominate people to participate in W3C activities.

You'll find the proposed words in this comment:

Jeff has since commented to say that if Dan's words receive enough 
support, he will ask W3 Management (W3M) to discuss the best way to get 
the message to the membership.

Noting that the words are not fixed, they are just a proposal intended 
to be a starting point for the message we want to send to the 
membership, if you think they are a good starting point, please add a 
"Thumbs up" emoji to Dan's comment.

You do this by activating the smiley icon at the top right corner of 
Dan's comment, then selecting the "thumbs up" emoji from the popup that 

You can also post your comments on the issue of course.


Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2020 14:58:30 UTC