Diversity scholarship: Identifying under-represented groups

I was talking about this with another person recently, and they 
suggested that we may not need to identify individual under-represented 
groups, but could just make it clear that the diversity scholarship is 
open to anyone who believes they are from an under-represented group.

It would mean that we don't have to be specific about which 
under-represented groups are included (and which are not), and it 
removes the risk of us excluding anyone because we accidentally left 
their particular group off the list.

It would also mean that we don't need to ask people to identify which 
under-represented group they belong to.

It may mean that some people try to game the system, but W3 is a small 
enough community that I think anyone trying to do that would quickly be 

It may also mean that we cannot guarantee diversity within the group of 
people selected to receive scholarships, but given the relatively small 
number of scholarships likely to be awarded, it may be enough that we're 
helping people from any under-represented groups.



@LeonieWatson tink.uk Carpe diem

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2018 17:49:48 UTC