scraps and notes while we f2f

new activity: provide GEO information to GEO.
what is purpose of this document?
what do we accomplish here?

1. Intro to document.
2. Intro to Web Services
  - basic framework (description of process)
  - pointers to WS core documents
  - definition of a Web Service
  - overview of SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP Features, MEPs, etc.
3. Intro to Internationalization (definitions for WS discussion)
  - what is internationalization
  - why internationalization (two audiences)
    - why not ad hoc (need for interoperability discussion)
  - what is human language
  - what is a locale/international preferences
  - XML Schema (locale independence) vs. locale dependent data
  - mention RFC2277 ;-)
4. WS internationalization issues
  - locale patterns in Web services
    - locale neutral
    - service determined
    - user(caller) influenced
    - data driven
  - legacy issues
    - encoding handling
      - application/soap+xml and charset parameter
      - XML document declaration
      - what if ultimate application has encoding limitations
      - attachments
    - Pandora's box: non-internationalized data structures

5. For Implementers of WS Providers, Tools, and Servers
  - Providing locale negotiation
  - Providing support for locale patterns
  * soap-header requirement?
  * standard for locale-pattern communication in WSDL requirement?
  - Faults and the Reason Text Element
  - UDDI search and multilingual text
  - introspection of actual "method" to produce WSDL representation
    - for example java.util.Locale -> lang/region/variant strings?
6. For Implementers of a Web Service
  - use locale neutral data structures
  - sorting/collation
  - natural language text search
    - keyword searching
    - "like"
  - how to handle human-readable text in WS
    - structuring records
    - enumerated values and object naming
      - use of default English-like names
      - allowing for "display names" vs. internal names
      - etc.
    - exchanging language preferences (or assuming it?)
      - use metadata
      - use separate bindings or services/servers
      - ask for the language
      - guess
  - other i18n-like things: where does this service apply to?
    - timezones and time
    - calendar, holiday, and work rules
    - regimes: tax, customs, legal, and other considerations
  - other transports
    - FTP
    - SMTP
7. Message Exchange Patterns and Scenarios (WS-Arch reviews?)  
    - there are 33 of these
8. complex scenarios? choreography/BPEL/layering/etc.

- use cases inline?
- change identifying letter of our scenarios to "I" from "S"

data driven examples.

VAT example (source/target location, what commodity is)
unit of measure example (customary vs. SI or maybe currency)

Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2003 18:24:35 UTC