Re: Call for Participation/Scope section

If I had known there was time to edit, I would have commented earlier.

I think it may be more effective to be more concise and direct. Also the
comment on proprietary material should perhaps not be a request, but an

I do agree the suggestion to join should be included as well.

Here is my suggested text.

I changed the second para and the prop. material comment. I reordered
the invite to join, and information plus url paras.
I removed the "as quickly as possible". (It shouldnt be said without a
justification in my opinion. Otherwise, everything is aqap.

I would suggest we add a date by when we would like responses.


The Web Services Task Force of the W3C Internationalization Working
Group is pleased to announce the publication of the first "Web Services
Internationalization Usage Scenarios" Working Draft at [put actual
location here].

The goal of this document is to gather together many different scenarios
using web services standards and technologies, in ways that require
attention to internationalization.

This will help us to:

   o create "best practices" and tutorial information for Web service
implementers and technologies

   o propose standards for Web services and related technologies to
support international operation

   o demonstrate issues in existing Web services technologies and
standards to the groups responsible for their development and

We invite you to contribute additional Usage Scenarios and Use Cases to
document aspects of Web Services internationalization that are not yet
covered by this document. To contribute, please use a format similar to
the one used in this document, and send your contribution to the mailing list (publicly archived). Please use
[Web Services] or [WSUS] in the subject.

Do not send proprietary material or information.

We also invite you to join this Task Force. Members of the Task Force
will have the opportunity to influence the internationalization of Web
services standards as they evolve. 

For more information on the Task Force, visit our home page, located

Information on joining is located on our home page:

Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898
Xen Master                
Making e-Business Work Around the World

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2002 20:02:20 UTC