Re: w3c Internationalization

On 16/08/2016 12:53, Staty iDuet wrote:
> Hi there Richard,
> Some time ago I did some translations into Polish but then I had some
> health issues and I stopped contacting you as I focused on other things.
> I think that since then something might have changed in the documents I
> translated. Is so let me know and I will make all necessary improvements.

hello Kamil,

i hope you're feeling better.  Thanks for contacting me.

there have been a number of changes earlier this year - quite a few 
articles were updated as i applied a new javascript-based template.

Here is a list of the pages you previously supplied translations for as 
far as i'm aware.

The following don't need updating:

This one, however, does need retranslating:

let me know if you'd like to retranslate that article.

 > Also if there is such a possibility I would like to translate the
 > following documents into Polish:

i'll send the first one now (in a separate email), but the second is 
also one of the very few that i haven't yet converted to the new 
template, so i'll try to do that for you (it's not a 5-minute job, 
because i have to convert not only the english but 14 other translated 
pages).  It will be good to finally get it converted though.

Note that i am copying this email to an archive list, btw.  Please cc 
that list for your replies.

Also, the translation instructions have changed a little recently. 
Please check that you're still happy to proceed on that basis. See

the link you used previously on your name seems to be  That's fine.

Finally, there are some new boilerplate strings arising from the 
template conversion which we'll need to have in place.  Could you please 
translate the following for me (just the text between quotes)?



s.translationDisclaimer = 'This document is a translation provided by a 
volunteer. In the case of any discrepancy or errors, the <a 
href="'+f.filename+'.en">latest English original</a> should be 
considered authoritative.<a href="#copyright">Original copyright</a> 
belongs to W3C, as shown below.'

s.followOurNews = "Follow our news feed."

s.historyOfDocumentChanges = 'For the history of document changes, see 
the <a 
feed</a> for substantive changes, and the <a 
commit list</a> for all changes since Jan 2016.'

s.untranslatedChanges = '<strong>Note:</strong> Changes have been made 
to <a href="'+f.filename+'.en">the English original</a> since this 
document was translated. The changes were incorporated into this page, 
so you may see some passages in English until the translation is updated.'

s.unlinkedTranslation = '<strong>Warning:</strong> Substantive changes 
have been made to the English original since this document was 
translated. You are advised to read <a href="'+f.filename+'">a version 
in another language</a> until this translation has been updated.'

s.aboutThisArticle="About this article" // title in the right column 
near the top of the page

s.status_draft="This article is a draft that has not yet gone through 
public review. If you have comments, please send them using the <a 
href='#survey'>link near the bottom of this page</a>."

s.status_review="This article is currently out for public review. If you 
have comments, please send them using the <a href='#survey'>link near 
the bottom of this page</a>."

s.status_published="This article has been reviewed by the W3C 
Internationalization Working Group and has gone through public review to 
make it as accurate as possible. If you have comments, please send them 
using the <a href='#survey'>link near the bottom of this page</a>."

s.status_notreviewed="This article was published without public review. 
If you have comments, please send them using the <a href='#survey'>link 
near the bottom of this page</a>."

s.status_obsolete="This article is now obsolete. It is no longer 
maintained and is likely to be inaccurate. For more up-to-date 
information, see the <a 
href=''>Internationalization Activity 
home page</a>."

s.tests="Tests" // used at the end of breadcrumbs for test related pages

s.quickanswer = "Quick answer" // heading

s.longeranswer = "Details" // heading that follows 'Quick answer'

s.additionalinfo = "Additional information" // heading that sometimes 
follows 'Details'

s.acknowledgements = "Thanks also to the following people whose 
contribution or feedback was included:" // used at bottom of page to 
list people who provided feedback. The list comes after this text.

s.cookieMsg = "If you let the browser set a cookie, you will continue to 
see W3C Internationalization Activity pages (where available) in the 
language you chose. Do you want to set the cookie?" // this text is to 
be copied to another location

s.supercededTranslation = '<strong>Warning:</strong> This is an outdated 
version of this document! You should read <a 
href="'+g.betterfilename+'.en">the latest version</a> instead and, if 
you can, change the bookmark or link that brought you here.'

Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 17:56:04 UTC