Text emphasis in vertical mongolian script & other questions


[it appears that the issue list at https://github.com/w3c/mlreq/issues/ 
has not been sending notifications to this list. Hopefully the first 
will arrive tomorrow.  In the meantime, just in case, i'm going to 
outline one request and point to others in this email]

The TTML spec, which is used for things such as subtitling, allows for 
vertical writing with lines going left to right, which is what mongolian 

However, the default position for line decorations such as underline and 
CJK emphasis marks are set to appear on the wrong side of the line by 
default. (Same for ruby.)

To help make the case, could you provide examples of the following?

  -   vertical Mongolian script text with underlining
  -   vertical Mongolian script with embedded Chinese/Japanese text that 
uses emphasis marks that appear to the right of the vertical line
  -   any other type of text decoration similar to these.

Please reply in the github issue at 
https://github.com/w3c/mlreq/issues/7 if you can.


Other open questions in the issue list include

Which side of the line do Mongolian ruby annotations appear normally?

How to handle wide annotations in Mongolian ruby?

Mongolian ruby requirements

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2017 12:51:07 UTC