The Discussion about the Mongolian Dipthong

Hi Greg and Richard,

I have summarized the Dr Liang Jinbao's article in English.
I think my English word selection is not proper in some case.
Because I am not an linguists and how to say some linguistic name in English and selected one of the translation from google.
Please revise it when you read and fell it is not proper.
Let me attach both pdf (for the Mongolian word in docx maybe corrupted in individual pc) and word file.

Please let me know is you have any question on it.

Thanks and Best regards,

Almas Inc.
101-0021 601 Nitto-Bldg, 6-15-11, Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
E-Mail:   Mobile : 090-6174-6115
Phone : 03-5688-2081,   Fax : 03-5688-2082

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 6:04 PM
To: 'Richard Ishida'; 'Greg Eck';
Subject: RE: New Thread - FVS Assignment MisMatch

Hi Richard and Greg,

I have uploaded the file to our web server on following URL.

Let me rewrite the explanation of this file bellow

I have a detailed argument document from Dr. Liang Jinbao, This document is why we should not omit Mongolian Diphthongs. 
It is related to the U1836 M+FVS1 and M+FVS2 selection sequence and It is escalated to the Mongolian grammar argument, which is the Mongolian have Diphthongs like ai, ei, ii, oi, ui etc.
Mr. Liang Jinbao have explained into very very detailed level to proof why we do not need to modify currently existing Mongolian grammar. 

I would like to share this document to all members after getting confirmation from Mr. Liang.
His point of view is getting co resonance from great number of Inner Mongolian People. But unfortunately it is written in Mongolian.
I think Greg can read it, all of the Mongolian members can read it.
If necessary, we can summarize the points to all members.

When I commit this document to the mailing list, it had been bounced by mail server because of the Max Size exceed.
I have mistakenly committed the document to NNBSP Impact Wrap-up thread. Sorry about it.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Almas Inc.
101-0021 601 Nitto-Bldg, 6-15-11, Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
E-Mail:   Mobile : 090-6174-6115
Phone : 03-5688-2081,   Fax : 03-5688-2082

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Ishida []
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 4:10 PM
Cc: Greg Eck
Subject: Re: [Moderator Action (size limit exceeded)] RE: NNBSP Impact Wrapup

hello Jirimutu,

your email bounced because the attachment is too big at 6.2Mb.  I believe the maximum size for attachements to the list is 5Mb.

would it be possible to upload the file to a web server, and resend your email with a pointer to the document?


On 03/08/2015 00:29, wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I have a detailed argument document from Mr. Liang Jinbao.
> I would share the document to all members.
> His point of view is getting co resonance from great number of Inner 
> Mongolian People.
> But unfortunately it is written in Mongolian.
> I think Greg can read it, all of the Mongolian members can read it.
> If necessary, we can summarize the points to all members.
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> /Jirimutu/

Received on Sunday, 9 August 2015 03:43:48 UTC