RE: FVS for NA


Thank you for the excellent set of examples on the issue of compound words and the final N (of the first word) going undotted  before a vowel (which would be the first letter of the second word). We have no way to accomplish this given our current specification with the undotted N the default and no FVS assigned to it.


-----Original Message-----
From: siqin [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2015 4:21 PM
To: Richard Wordingham <>;
Subject: Re: FVS for NA

On 2015/08/06 9:16, Richard Wordingham wrote:
> 1) Initial NA has a dot unless it is followed by a consonant.  (The 
> example I saw was the surprising spelling of the Canotonese name Ng, 
> with NA and, I think, GA.)
     No, Initial NA always has a dot. If no dot, it read as E(1821), not N(1828).
> 2) Medial NA has a dot before a Mongolian vowel, and not otherwise.
     Not entirely correct.
     There is exception that NA has not dot before a Mongolian vowel as below.
         Medial A(1820) + FVS1
         Medial I(1822) + FVS1
         Medial o(1823) + FVS1
         Medial u(1824) + FVS1
         Medial OE(1825) + FVS2
         Medial UE(1826) + FVS2
     This forms  are not used in normal word, but used in word which consists of two( or more) words.
     Look at na_exception.pdf and na_exception.png.
> 3) Before MVS, NA has a final form, but with a dot.
> 4) The final form has no dot.


Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 17:34:06 UTC