Re: Mongolian NNBSP [I18N-ACTION-458]

Hi Greg,
No. Range.Words is a collection property of MS Word document object.


On 04.08.2015 15:54, Greg Eck wrote:
> Badral,
> Did you have a file "range.words" for us to look at?
> Greg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Badral S. []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 9:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Mongolian NNBSP [I18N-ACTION-458]
> Hi,
> Just for info. As I promised, we tested our spellchecker on MS Word 2007, MS Word 2010 and OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
> No software has passed in NNBSP test. The resulting words of the "range.Words" separated by NNBSP.
> Badral
> On 01.08.2015 20:43, Badral S. wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> MS word doesn't have a Mongolian spell-checker. Bolorsoft has
>> developed a spell-checker for Mongolian (
>> It is a commercial product, which works with MS office,
>> Open/LibreOffice and designed for both cyrillic Mongolian and
>> traditional Mongolian script, but due to some difficulties (NNBSP, MVS
>> etc.) traditional Mongolian version has not been released. We tested
>> it first with Openoffice and got the word boundary problems.
>> We will test our MS word addon for traditional script now and notify
>> the result asap.
>> Badral
>> On 01.08.2015 13:00, Richard Wordingham wrote:
>>> On Sat, 1 Aug 2015 11:31:54 +0100
>>> Andrew West <> wrote:
>>>> I thought that rendering engines were already correctly rendering
>>>> suffixes after NNBSP, and that the issue was with some editors and
>>>> word processors (notably Word) incorrectly segmenting Mongolian text
>>>> for word counting, word selection and word navigation purposes.  If
>>>> text-processing applications rely on WordBreakProperty.txt for word
>>>> breaking then they should work after the change is introduced; if
>>>> not, then it is up to users to report the behaviour as a bug to the
>>>> individual software vendors.
>>> Word doesn't use WordBreakProperty.txt.  While Microsoft may take
>>> note of a recommended change to the file, the trouble with NNBSP
>>> should be reported independently.  The best argument would be what
>>> happens for spell-checking.  Does Word have a Mongolian spell-checker?
>>> Richard.
> --
> Badral Sanlig, Software architect
> |
> Bolorsoft LLC, Selbe Khotkhon 40/4 D2, District 11, Ulaanbaatar

Badral Sanlig, Software architect |
Bolorsoft LLC, Selbe Khotkhon 40/4 D2, District 11, Ulaanbaatar

Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2015 15:19:42 UTC