(invalid string)

I have definite ideas for how to address this issue and would like to write up a proposal for how better to express not only the compression/expansion of yakumono aki but also the role of embox metrics in the basics of line layout and line placement in Japanese, for a next rev of the JLReq.
I think the timing is good for this to come to the forefront, especially since I understand both Apple for UI layout but also Opentype are considering changes to accommodate 連続約物 treatment but I have doubts about how widely such use cases can be supported with too simplistic an approach.

From: Koji Ishii <kojii@chromium.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2020 12:21:28 PM
To: W3C JLReq TF <public-i18n-japanese@w3.org>
Subject: JLREQでの約物幅の取り扱いについて

以前にも議論があったと思うのですが、github issueに見当たらないので、まずはこちらでご意見伺いたいです。



I quickly noticed that aspect (not reflecting real-world fonts) but knowing what is typical in fonts could factor that in. But an app developer might not be so familiar, so at least is should be called out LOUDLY!



Received on Saturday, 12 September 2020 19:30:42 UTC