Re: Simple Ruby FPWD published !


2020年6月10日(水) 8:54 木田泰夫 <>:

> Thank you very much Richard!
> I believe this document, as a practical guide, will help us complete
> implementing ruby on the web, ebooks and other applications.
> I would like to thank Bin-sensei for authoring the document. Florian,
> Shimono-san and Richard for translation, and all JLReq TF / i18n WG members
> for your feedback and other help.
> We now need to tidy up any remaining issues, such as Murata-san's comments
> about the double-side ruby section, then send out a request for wide
> review.  After fixing any comments that come in from the review, we can
> proceed to publish as a WG Note.  Hopefully, it won't take long to reach
> that point.
> Let’s do.  I would appreciate everyone’s help for improving and completing
> the document. Are there areas that benefit from clarification? are
> terminology all appropriate?  any feedback would be very much appreciated.
> best,
> - kida
> 2020/06/09 20:17、r12a <>のメール:
> dear JLReq team & i18n WG,
> A First Public Working Draft of the simple-ruby doc was just published.
> See the announcement on the W3C home page at  Thanks
> to all for the work put in!
> The URL to use now for pointing people to the document is
> We now need to tidy up any remaining issues, such as Murata-san's comments
> about the double-side ruby section, then send out a request for wide
> review.  After fixing any comments that come in from the review, we can
> proceed to publish as a WG Note.  Hopefully, it won't take long to reach
> that point.
> best,
> ri

KOBAYASHI Tatsuo(小林龍生)
Scholex Co., Ltd. Yokohama
homepage) <>

Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2020 00:49:08 UTC