Re: Action Item: Editors to add to a draft s.t. about the output of ITS

Hi Christian,

Many thanks for spotting this. Could you open a bug for this issue and
integrate into it a link to the action item, your proposal and this
thread? Many thanks.

Here is also a reply to your proposal at
, comments marked as [FS]/


The ITS Working group provides a conformance test suite for ITS. The
test suite aims at helping implementors to write applications that
support the ITS specifications. In no way are these conformance tests in
the sense of providing companies or institutions with certification of
ITS support.
[FS I would delete the sentence before my comment starting with "In no
way". W3C does not do conformance testing so it is not necessary to
emphasize this point. And I would delete "The only claim ..." ]
The only claim that could be made is that a particular implementation is
conformant to a particular version of the ITS test suite. The test suite
basically provides pairs of input and output files. Since the output
files implement a specific format it is recommended that implementors
equip their tools with the possibility to produce this output format.
This way, conformance checking will be easy.

[FS I would delete the last sentence "Since the output ...". I think
there is no consensus in the WG that we recommend implementors to equip
their tools with the possibility to produce this output format. Yves,
others, what do you think?]


There are two cases of results of running the test suite:

The implementation fails to pass the test suite. In this case it can be
asserted that the implementation fails to meet the relevant ITS
[FS I would replace "ITS specification" with "ITS data category".]

The implementation passes the test suite. In this case all that can be
asserted is that the implementation is conformant to that particular
version of the ITS test suite.

The output format is defined by the following XML Schema ...
[FS we have not defined an XML Schema, but a DTD. Why are you referring
to an XML Schema?]

Sorry if my questions / statements are wasting time, but I was not on
the call where this topic was discussed.

Regards, Felix.

Lieske, Christian wrote:
> Dear all,
> It seems as if we never finished our discussion of
> Thus, the spec. and the test suite document so far have not been updated.
> Our discussion at
> did not finish with an action item "editors to make the change". What should
> we do?
> Cheers,
> Christian
> *
> Christian Lieske
> *MultiLingual Technology Solutions (MLT)
> SAP Language Services (SLS)
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Received on Friday, 9 February 2007 15:42:11 UTC