Re: Section on XHTML modularization

Hi Yves,

Yves Savourel wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> Shouldn't this section belong more to the section 5. (ITS Applied to
> Existing Formats)  where we have already some text about XHTML?

I agree.


> The section "5.1.1 Integration of ITS into XHTML" show a non-conformant
> way to do the integration, maybe we can replace it (or add) the section
> you started there.?
> -ys
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Section on XHTML modularization
> Hi,
> This is my AI
> [NEW] ACTION: Felix to start a section on XHTML modularization for the
> XML i18n BP document [recorded in
> Yves, could you add the following text in a new subsection
> 4.3 (I would like to avoid editing the document source code myself).
> This is just a start, but it should be enough for the moment (if you
> agree I'll take an AI to go back to the HTML WG to confirm). We would
> also need a reference to
> in the
> bibliography.
> [[
> 4.3 Using XHTML Modularization 1.1 for the Definition of ITS
> This section describes how to use [XHTMLMod1.1] for the definition of
> ITS. It first defines an ITS abstract module which is then implemented
> in the formats of XML Schema, RELAX NG and XML DTD. The module is meant
> to be integrated in existing or new schemas which rely on [XHTMLMod1.1].
> 4.3.1 Definition of the ITS Abstract Module [TBD]
> 4.3.2 ITS XML Schema Module Implementation [TBD]
> 4.3.3 ITS RELAX NG Module Implementation [TBD]
> 4.3.4 ITS DTD Module Implementation
> [TBD]
> ]]
> Thanks,
> Felix

Received on Monday, 29 January 2007 11:19:18 UTC