Re: Directionality Scope/inheritance issue (same as translatability)

Yves Savourel wrote:
> OK. I'm think I'm with you now.
> A) its:selector="//p[@trans='false']" applies only to the selected nodes, not to their children (except by inheritence if they don't
> have any other rules applied to them)
> B) when we need to overwrite the children we have to specify it explicitely in the selector: its:selector="//p[@trans='false']//*".
> So we do indeed have already a way to "overwrite or not all previous rules". [I was lost because I thought we were interpreting
> //text[@localize='no'] as //text[@localize='no']/descendant-or-self::*, now we have establish we do not, everything makes sense
> again].

sorry for the confusion, which was created by my mail :(



> Things are logical again, but I'm still not sure being able to "overwrite or not all previous rules" resolve all cases. I'll try to
> come up with test cases.
> Cheers,
> -yves

Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 15:12:34 UTC