Re: Directionality Scope/inheritance issue (same as translatability)

Yves Savourel wrote:

> Hi felix, all,
>> I think there is a way to achieve what you want, just 
>> by going for 2) and by saying:
>> <its:documentRules xmlns:its="">
>> 1 <its:translateRule its:translate="yes" its:selector="//textInCode"/>
>> 2 <its:translateRule its:translate="no" its:selector="//code"/>
>> 3 <its:translateRule its:translate="yes"
>> its:selector="//*[@trans='true']/descendant-or-self::*"/>
>> 4 <its:translateRule its:translate="no"
>> its:selector="//*[@trans='false']/descendant-or-self::*"/>
>> </its:documentRules>
> My understanding is (was) that when we apply the its:selector expression of a rule, it selects a node, and from that node we apply
> the data category information to the same scope described for the equivalent locale rule.

that is what you called 2), right?
> In you said:
>> ...In my XQuery implementation, XPath expressions like "//text[@localize='no']"
>> are interpreted as "//text[@localize='no']/descendant-or-self::*".
> To me that means its:selector="//code" is really its:selector="//code/descendant-or-self::*", so why would we need to specify it?

Because I was wrong in that mail :( . we cannot just interpret
//text[@localize='no']  as //text[@localize='no']/descendant-or-self::*,
but should say //text[@localize='no'] attaches (virtually)
its:translate="no" to all nodes //text[@localize='no'] , and then as a
second step the inheritance comes into play. Only in this way we have
100% parallelism with local ITS, that is the functionality you called 2).

For a document

<text localize="no">

the rule

<its:translateRule its:select="//text[@localize='no']" its:translate="no"/>

would mean

<text its:global-rule-1="no" localize="no">



would mean

<text its:global-rule-1="no" localize="no">
<p its:global-rule-1="no">...</p>

Here it does not make a difference. The difference is in the following:

global rule 1: <its:translateRule its:select="//p" its:translate="yes"/>
global rule 2: <its:translateRule its:select="//text[@localize='no']"

In the case above, <p> would be translated, the document would "look" like:
<text its:global-rule-2="no" localize="no">
<p its:global-rule-1="yes" its:inherited-translatability="no">...</p>

In the case below, <p> wouldn't be translated:

<its:translateRule its:select="//p" its:translate="yes"/>

The document would look like:

<text its:global-rule-2="no" localize="no">
<p its:global-rule-1="yes" its:global-rule-2="no"



Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 05:11:58 UTC