Re: DocBook and ITS

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:

> that's an interesting argument. I think I might start being convinced.
>  "@its:translate" means "translateability of my parent element"
>  "@translate" means "a translateabilty record I intend to take elsewhere"
> So I think you are right; not on grounds of verbosity or elegance,
> but because the syntax is _slightly_ different.

Exactly, except that I would say that _semantic_, not syntax is different.

   Jirka Kosek     e-mail:
   Profesionální školení a poradenství v oblasti technologií XML.
      Podívejte se na náš nově spuštěný web
        Podrobný přehled školení
                    Nejbližší termíny školení:
      ** XSLT 13.-16.3.2006 ** XML schémata 24.-26.4.2006 **
        ** DocBook 15.-17.5.2006 ** XSL-FO 12.-13.6.2006 **

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2006 15:30:45 UTC