RE: FW: Question about selector scope and rule order

Hi felix,

> According to,
> both translatability and localization information are handled the same way.

I'm still not sure if I understand: why are we talking about 'localization'? My early example picked that term for the attribute in
the example just randomly. It could be anything (any condition set by the host format). But I think you have answered my question,
so this part does not really matter.

>> <its:translateRule translate="no" 
>> its:selector="//span[@class='code']"/>
>> <its:translateRule translate="yes" 
>> its:selector="//span[@class='text']"/>
>> <its:translateRule translate="no" 
>> its:selector="//p[@class='notrans']"/>
>> My question then is, in this last set of rules, is rule #3 enough to override #2?
> As Sebastian pointed out, always the last rule wins. So it is enough, I think.


>> In my implementation it is not enough.
>> Felix: your answer, I think, is that it should be enough. I think 
>> you're correct, but Sebastian's answer threw me off and I'm not sure anymore.
> I think it is enough, and it would be in my (and I think in Sebastian's) implementation.

OK. I'll fix my implementation. I guess we want sure we have sample in the test suite where there is a case like this (Where a last
translate rule overrides an early rule pertaining to an element that is a child of the element specified in the last rule).



Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2006 04:13:00 UTC