[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0908LinguisticMarkup" by GoutamSaha

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The following page has been changed by GoutamSaha:

  <pos_cat name="noun" type="common" meaning="stem_Shikshak _suffix_gulo_english_ 
+ <!-- In Bengali, suffix e.g, "ei" is the exclusive suffix, "o" stands for the inclusive suffix -->
+ <pos_cat name="pronoun" type="personal" meaning="stem_Aami_ExclusiveSuffix_ei_english_ 
+ only I">Aamiei</pos_cat> Khelbo
+ <!-- I only shall play -->
+ <pos_cat name="pronoun" type="personal" meaning="stem_Aami_InclusiveSuffix_o_english_ 
+ I also">Aamio</pos_cat> Khelbo
+ <!-- I also shall play -->
  <!-- Markup for the word in Bangla "Asantushto" (unhappy) -->
@@ -2483, +2497 @@

    <scat:sentence_cat name="interrogative">
       <pcat:pos_cat name="noun" meaning="unicode"> यूनिकोड </pcat:pos_cat>
-      <pcat:pos_cat name="pronoun" meaning="is"> क्या </pcat:pos_cat> 
+      <pcat:pos_cat name="pronoun" meaning="what"> क्या </pcat:pos_cat> 
       <pcat:pos_cat name="verb" meaning="is"> है </pcat:pos_cat>   ?

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2006 11:09:40 UTC