- From: Yves Savourel <ysavourel@translate.com>
- Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 09:39:22 -0700
- To: <public-i18n-its@w3.org>
Minutes from the I18N ITS Teleconference of Tuesday, Mar-01-2006 Attendees: CL: Christian Lieske DS: Diane Stoick YS: Yves Savourel AZ: Andrzej Zydron Regrets: RI: Richard Ishida SR: Sebastian Rahtz FS: Felix Sasaki NT: Najib Tounsi Review of action items ====================== -01 PENDING: Tag set editors to integrate discussion result about bugs 2881,2,3 (results from editor's call) into the tagset document. Still pending -02 NEW: Yves to work on XHTML + ITS modularization This is pending -03 NEW: Yves to write something about versioning for the tagset document This is pending Discussion ========== === DITA: CL talked about the latest DITA-Translation SC meeting. They are three main goals for now: - Clarification of how xml:lang works. Someone from DITA may contact RI on this. - Clarification of the relationship between its:transte and dita:translate attributes, for example with regard to precedence, default values, etc. Someone from DITA may contact FS on this. - How to provide support for Ruby: FS and RI may be contacted for this as well. The deadline for the next DITA version is very soon and those questions need to be resolved quickly. AZ added that one important aspect of the DITA SC work was the identification of the 'inline' elements. === Outcome of the face-to-face meeting in Mandelieu: Report is here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2006JanMar/0258.html YS went through some of the proposal. From a prossecing viewpoint he is a bit concerned that the distinction between 'mapping' and 'adding' generate the need for a new mechanism different from the old one. He'll post email on that topic. CL noted that all were invited to answer FS' email with a 'agree' or 'need discussion' on each proposal. --> Action item by friday === Next face-to-face: YS said the possible next face-to-face could be in Apr-18,19,20 (possibly in Oxford). AZ noted that this was the week of the LISA conference in Shangai and he is presenting some workshop there. === Comments on Richard's notes on the specification document http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2006JanMar/0252.html Most people had not had the time to read them yet. --> Action item for next time === Modularization YS is working on XHTML 1.1 CL had some exchanges with DITA YS posted some first draft for DocBook. Norm Walsh kindly answered and say he would try to find the time to look at it from the RELAX NG viewpoint. YS noted there were some exchange on OpenDocument with Jean-Christoph (OmegaT), Felix and IBM. We are waiting for Damian input as well. === Techniques http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0601Techniques Brief discussion. CL noted that one additional category of audience may be the people developing ITS processors. === TBX-Link and ITS terminology datacat AZ noted that TBX-Link was very close to ITS term datacat. YS and all agreed that both must be harmonized CL noted that it would be good to make sure this is addressed through the bug report so it does fall off the radar. There is already some comments, see: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2877 Some emails were excahnged between Felix and Alan Melby on this topic too. Would be good to have this on public access (bug repository) Action Items ============ -01 PENDING: Tag set editors to integrate discussion result about bugs 2881,2,3 (results from editor's call) into the tagset document. -02 NEW: Yves to work on XHTML + ITS modularization -03 NEW: Yves to write something about versioning for the tagset document -04 NEW: All to read and comment on RI's notes (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2006JanMar/0252.html) -05 NEW: All (by Friday) comment on Mandelieu 9 proposals ('agree' or 'need discussion') (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2006JanMar/0258.html) -06 NEW: Editor's of the techniques document: give examples how to use its:locInfoRef (action: decide if we need the distinction between "alert" and "description" for localization information). -07 NEW: Richard to describe an additional level of conformance for Ruby. -08 NEW: Felix to update bugzilla with open issues, "ITS 1.1 / 2.0" proposals, the change proposals above -09 NEW: Christian and Felix need to update their result of conformance discussion in the spec. -10 NEW: F2F meeting issues (April & June) (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006JanMar/0159.html) Other Business ============== - Next teleconference: Wednesday Mar-08, same time. Cheers, -yves
Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2006 16:40:03 UTC