[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0601ReqInlineElements" by YvesSavourel

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The following page has been changed by YvesSavourel:

  Two types of information are needed:
- 1- A way to distinguish elements that may hold text content, from elements that never have text content.
+ 1- A way to distinguish elements that may hold text content (a), from elements that never have text content (b).
- Example: The element <p> may hold text:
+ Example for (a): The element <p> may hold text:
   <b>This is bold.</b>
   <i>This is italic.</i>
- Example: The element <ul> should not hold text:
+ Example for (b): The element <ul> should not hold text:
   <li>This is the first item.</li>
@@ -40, +40 @@

- 2- A way to distinguish independent text content that is nested within another content, from text content that is part of its parent element's content.
+ 2- A way to distinguish independent text content that is nested within another content (c), from text content that is part of its parent element's content (d).
+ Examples for (c):
- Example: The text in <fn> is distinct from the text of <p>
+ A footnote in DITA: The text in <fn> is distinct from the text of <p>
  {{{<p>Palouse horses<fn callout="#">A Palouse horse is 
  the same as an Appaloosa.</fn> have spotted coats.</p>}}}
- '''[[FS-''' The problem here is that in some markup schemes <p> might be used as part of <fn>:
+ Or, a more complex case: a footnote in OpenDocument:
- {{{<p>Palouse horses<fn callout="#"><p>A Palouse horse is 
- the same as an Appaloosa.</p></fn> have spotted coats.</p>}}}
+ {{{...
+ <text:p text:style-name="Standard">
+  Palouse horses
+  <text:note text:id="ftn1" text:note-class="footnote">
+   <text:note-citation>1</text:note-citation>
+   <text:note-body>
+    <text:p text:style-name="Footnote">
+ A Palouse horse is the same as an Appaloosa.</text:p>
+   </text:note-body>
+  </text:note>
+  have spotted coats.</text:p>
+ ...}}}
- That is, a simple list of element names seems not to solve the problem of classifying elements.''']]'''
- This corresponds to two distinct text runs:
+ Both examples corresponds to two distinct text runs:
   * Palouse horses have spotted coats.
   * A Palouse horse is the same as an Appaloosa.
- Example: The text in <term> is part of the text of <p>
+ Example for (d): The text in <term> is part of the text of <p>
  {{{<p><term>Palouse horses</term>
  have spotted coats.</p>}}}

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2006 16:11:13 UTC