Re: ITS tagset draft: Section by Christian

Hi Yves,

I will start implementing your comments tomorrow.

- Felix

Yves Savourel wrote:
> Some comments on Section 3.
> 1--- In the paragraph "The power of ITS selector attributes comes at a price: rules related to overwriting/precedence, and
> inheritance have to be established."
> I would think "...related to overriding, precedence, and inheritance..." would be better. (overriding rather than overwriting and a
> comma). And I see the same "overwrite" vs "override" in example 8.
> Real English speakers please correct me if I'm wrong for 'overriding': I think this
> ( explains it a bit, but I'm not 100% sure which one is correct in this
> context.
> 2--- Shouldn't all the attribute and elements reference use an XMLSpec specific markup that translates into a different font? (like
> in section 1.3 paragraph 2).
> 3--- Under example 7: "The examples show that ITS data category attributes in some cases appear in elements defined by ITS itself:
> "documentRule" (embedded within a "documentRules" element, "schemaRule". It should "
> The parenthesis is not closed and the sentence ending with "schemaRule" looks truncated.
> 4--- Paragraph after the second set of bullets under Example 7: "in addition one or more ITS " should be (I think) "in addition to
> one or more ITS..."
> 5--- Paragraph above the bullets above Example 8: "ITS selector attributes are very powerful. They allow:" I think we should just
> say "ITS selector attributes allow:". The "are very powerful" seems arbitrary: it's a matter of opinion that we probably should
> avoid in a specification :)
> 6--- In example 6: "<dita:title>Some little topic</dita:title>". The text should probably be changed to something more meangingful.
> That's all for that section.
> (which is a good one I thought)
> -yves
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 7:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: ITS tagset draft: Section by Christian
> Hi all,
> I integrated the new version of section 3.1. from Christian into the working draft. I think it gives a very good 0therview of ITS in
> general, so I thought of putting it into a separate main section. (I have not asked Christian about this position change though,
> Christian, all, what do you think?). Please have a look at
> and comment.
> Regards, Felix.

Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 15:29:50 UTC