[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0601TechLangDev" by YvesSavourel

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The following page has been changed by YvesSavourel:

  = Provide a way to specify language content  =
+ Use the xml:lang attribute to provide a way for document authors to specify in what language is the content of their documents.
+ See the [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-lang-tag Language Identification] section in the XML Specification for more information.
+ === How to include xml:lang in XML Schema ===
+ === How to include xml:lang in Relax NG ===
+ === How to include xml:lang in XML DTD ===
+ For example, to add xml:lang to a <para> element you can specify the following DTD constructs:
+ {{{<!ELEMENT para (#PCDATA) >
+ <!ATTLIST para
+           xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED >}}}
+ Note: The scope of the xml:lang attribute applies to both the attributes and the content of the element where it appears, therefore one cannot specify different languages for an attribute and the element content. ITS does not provide remedy for this. Instead, it is recommended to not use attribute for translatable text.

Received on Thursday, 19 January 2006 17:19:02 UTC