[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0601Techniques" by YvesSavourel

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The following page has been changed by YvesSavourel:

  #acl RichardIshida:read,write,admin,delete,revert YvesSavourel:read,write,admin,delete,revert RichardIshida/ItsGroup:write,read All:read
+ = Wiki Pages for the Techniques Document =
+ Developing internationalized XML content is done at two levels: When you design and develop the architecture of your XML applications, and when you write the content itself.
+ == When Designing an XML schema ==
+  * [:its0601TechTransDev:Provide a list of non-translatable content]
+  * [:its0601TechAttrAndTrans:Avoid translatable attributes]
+  * Provide a way to specify a unique ID (TODO)
+ == When Authoring an XML Document ==
+  * Use CDATA sections with care (TODO)
+  * Provide comments for translators (TODO)
+  * [:its0601TechTransAuth:Override translatability information if needed]

Received on Monday, 16 January 2006 19:38:15 UTC