ITS Use Case - Technical Writer Using an Authoring Tool

Hi all,

I think it would be a good idea--as Naoyuki suggested at the last teleconference--to have a section, somewhere near the
introduction, that go through a few Use cases. This would help the reader to place ITS in a clearer context. So, I've come up with a
few cases. I invite you to improve them and/or come up with additional (Please, start a new thread if you start a new use case).


As a technical writer develop a content that is meant to be localized later on, he or she may need to label specific part of the
text for various purposes:
- terms that should not be translated or translated using a pre-existing terminology list.
- sections of the document that should remain in the source language.
- acronym or a complicated expressions with an explanation note for the translator.

The use of a standardized set of tags would allow the authoring systems to provide a simple interface for performing these tasks.
For example, the user would select a portion of text not to translate and click a button to mark it up as "not translatable" with a
tag identical across document types. Such interface would help allow the authors to provide a better context of work for the


This scenario relates to the technical writers or any author of content that develop a material to localize, as well as to the
developers of the authoring systems.


Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 23:32:40 UTC