Re: Preserve Space / Language Info at the inline level

Am 18.11.2014 um 16:20 schrieb Yves Savourel <>:

> Hi David, all,
> Looking at:
> Section " ITS Preserve Space Annotation"
> I'm not sure if this is the best way to define the annotation for Preserve Space, and I assume, Language Information later.
> There are two options:
> a) We have two attributes itsm:space and itsm:lang that can be set in any <mrk>/<sm> element, regardless of the type (just like
> translate).
> In that case we get this type of annotations:
> <mrk id='m1' translate='no' itsm:space='preserve' itsm:space='zxx'>3x + 5y = 2</mrk>
> <mrk id='m2' type='term' itsm:lang='fr-CA'>poutine</mrk>
> <mrk id='m3' type='itsm:any' itsm:space='preserve'>[  ]=2s</mrk>
> Etc.
> Or b) we decide to force a specific annotation for Preserve Space and for Language Information that are not mixed with others.
> In that second case, the simplest way to define them would be:
> <mrk id='1' type='itsm:space value='preserve'>...</mrk>
> <mrk id='2' type='itsm:lang' value='fr-CA'>...</mrk>
> Also, it seems to me that it would be a lot more clear for the reader to have just one ITS Module section (no appendix) and have
> each data category defined there, regardless how they are mapped.



- Felix

> Cheers,
> -yves

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 19:12:48 UTC