Open Data Management for Automate Translation

At the recent Language Technology Service Platforms: Synergies, 
Standards, Sharing workshop in Reykavik, Hans Uszkoreit and Andrejs 
Vasiļjevs both presented on the future of automated language services in 
Europe, in particular the Automated Translation Service the EC are 
considering under the Connecting Europe Facilities programme.

The MLi project is already looking at requirement for such a service. In 
parallel, the LIDER project, via the Linked Data for Language 
Technologies Community Group, is gathering requirements for using open 
data on the web for language resources.

We think open data will have a bearing on the LR data interoperability 
needed for Automated Translation services. We'd therefore very much 
appreciate your comments and input on a draft requirements document 
we've started at:

Feel free to distribute this link to anyone you think might be 
interested. We hope to progress this discussion also at the LT-Innovate 
summit in Brussels, 24-25 June, while also working with different 
technical groups to provide best practice advice on implementing such 

Kind Regards,

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 17:22:43 UTC