ITS 2.0 / XLIFF 2.0 implementation

Hi all,


Here is an update on the current status of the Okapi implementation of the mapping of ITS 2.0 in XLIFF 2.0:


As you may recall, the data categories are classified into several types:


- Existing in XLIFF <> 

- Partially Covered in XLIFF <>

- Represented using ITS Itself

- Not Representing Metadata <> 


Note that several data categories have not been mapped at all yet:


The library aims at implementing only the data categories that are partially covered in XLIFF or the ones represented using ITS
itself. The ones existing in XLIFF are simply accessible through the normal XLIFF API, and the ones not representing metadata are
just not useful in an XLIFF API.


Currently the library implements:


- Domain

- MT Confidence

- Terminology

- Text Analysis

- Provenance(*)

- Localization Quality Issue(*)


*: Both Provenance and LQI have some restriction currently: stand-off notation is supported within units only.


In addition, currently, the standoff notations are processed so they are assigned to their referrers directly. That is once the
reference is parsed the data exist in that object but not as a separate standoff object anymore. This cause the fragment
identification function to not find them if you try (because they are not standoff anymore: they are parsed and assigned to the
objects they were applied too). I'll have to refactor this to work with some kind of backing store and indirect access from the
referencing objects. That, hopefully, would be transparent from the caller of the API.


As usual you can get the library here:


The Java documentation is here:


And all the project's information here:


Feedback and bug reports are welcome.





Received on Sunday, 24 August 2014 13:55:43 UTC